

Love the Lord thy Holy Spirit with all your heart soul mind spirit and strength and take delight in pureness of “Faith” in the Spirit and I shall give you the desires of your heart while you not bring or make Sex an issue of controversy in support of murderous politcal male homosexual perversions in politics or life – for I shall NOT long strive that mankind lay with mankind forever and already have shortened their reincarnations and I shall not long tolerate being put to the test forever but rein down judgments on you generation after generation day after day – minute after minute second by second especially when society seeks to convince other to their politcal view with lies, deceit and the working of iniquity.

Son Altesse Royal Principe Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio I – Divine Name JV AGNVS DEI VERBVM DEI Prince Jose Maria Chavira Adagio Al Hussayni AGA KHAN V PRIMOGENITVS FILVS  HOMINIS SPIRITVS NOME DE PLUME JCANGELCRAFT
La Couronne Monde Château Versailles France 
